About Us
Jenna Zoe
Jenna is the world-leading expert in Human Design and creator of the My Human Design App.
Sincer discovering it 10 years ago, she has turned a complicated science into something accessible and easy to implement, so that you can actually use it to change your life. She presents it through a lens of acceptance which has resonated with millions around the globe and turned it into a mainstream obsession. Her main goal is to help people truly understand who they are and how they function, so that they can spend their energy emphasizing their unique gifts and talents, instead of trying to be how they’ve been conditioned to be.
You can check out more of Jenna’s work on her podcasts and on her personal Instagram @jennazoe where she shares information every day on making growth easy
Jane Hamilton
Jane is the one who makes everything happen at MyHumanDesign. Having met Jenna in a previous workplace in 2007, they soon realised they were the yin to each other’s yang and had total complimentary skills. Jane oversees the entire business which is why so many of you have had direct contact with her, whether that’s because you emailed us a question about your design, purchased one of our custom videos, took our trainings or are one of our featured readers.
You can hear more of her story and how it all came to be in her interview with Jenna on the Reframe podcast here.